

If you are a student or employee at Washtenaw Community College (十大彩票网赌平台) and have been the victim of sexual harassment (including stalking), sexual violence (dating, domestic, or other forms of sexual violence), or other gender-based harassment it is important 请您阅读以下信息. 虽然不打算是一个全面的 说明您的选择和权利,这些信息可能对您有用.

性骚扰、性暴力和其他基于性别的骚扰发生在 the college setting implicates a federal law called Title IX of the Higher Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education 程序或活动,并触发某些责任的一部分 the College. 如果你是一名学生,十大彩票网赌平台有第九条官员可以帮助解释 在这些情况下,学院的责任:

克拉伦斯·詹宁斯,学生服务副总裁 & Title IX Coordinator
Room No: SC 251
Email: Clarence Jennings Jr

Joy Berry, Director of Student Affairs & Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Room No: SC 249
Email: Joy Berry

Tracci K. Johnson, Dean of Students & Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Room No: SC 275
Phone: 734-973-3480
Email: Tracci Johnson

If you are an employee, 联系人力资源办公室-房间号:BE 120 -电话:734-973-3497

Washtenaw Community College is committed to maintaining a positive learning and working environment. 十大彩票网赌平台不会容忍性行为不端,骚扰,性暴力, 或被任何雇员或学生报复. When sexual misconduct, harassment, or sexual violence has occurred and is brought to the attention of either individual listed above, they will take steps to end the harassment or violence, prevent 它的再次出现,并解决其影响. For more information, see Sexual Misconduct Title IX.

Reporting Options

Within the College’s processes, the person making the allegations is referred to as the Complainant. 被指控的人被移交 to as the Respondent.


  • A complainant who wishes to report sexual harassment, sexual violence or other gender-based harassment may report directly to the Title IX officers (their contact information is listed above on this page).
  • 投诉人也可以直接向执法部门举报.
  • If the incident happened on campus, you may contact Public Safety by dialing x3411 校内或校外734973-3411. 公共安全办公室在2号楼 floor of the parking structure. 如果你愿意,公共安全部门可以提供帮助 向当地执法部门报告.
  • If the incident occurred off campus, you may contact the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s 办公室或你所在地区的当地执法部门. 你也应该联系其中一个 Title IX officers listed above to ensure that any on-campus effects of the off-campus incident can be addressed.
  • 如果你是一名员工,你可以向你的直接主管报告这种情况 或者到人力资源办公室.
  • 列表中列出了所有报告选项 Sexual Misconduct page.
  • Title IX (Sexual Misconduct) Report Form
  • Resources for assistance after an incident or overall prevention information are available on the Community Resources page or the Lowering your risks page.
  • Confidential reporting information.

A complainant may pursue both the College process through the Title IX officers and 刑事诉讼同时进行. 此外,学生可以提交第九条投诉 与美国民权办公室合作.S. Department of Education. See Grievance Procedures.

Both Title IX officers have authority to address complaints of sexual harassment and 非犯罪环境中的性暴力. 学院的程序是完全独立的 from the police and courts. 华盛顿社区学院提供学生行为规范 调查这些案件的程序,不管它们是发生在校内还是校外. That process, is listed in the Board of Trustee Policy 4095 Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct Code.

For cases where the respondent is an employee, those cases are handled by the Office of Human Resources under the supervision of the Title IX Coordinator, Linda Blakey. When the respondent is both a student and an employee, the two offices may work together to resolve the case. 如果你不确定联系哪个办公室,你可以打电话 either office. 当被调查者既不是十大彩票网赌平台的学生也不是十大彩票网赌平台的员工时 还能在咨询和其他支持服务方面帮助你吗.

The Title IX officers will review the allegations and determine an appropriate course of action. 有些案件可以在正式调查之外进行非正式处理 process, although the College will not mediate cases of sexual violence even on a voluntary basis. 对于导致调查的案件,这些调查是 conducted by individuals who have received specialized training in those types of investigations. 所有调查都将以彻底和中立的方式进行.

解决这些指控的程序可以在我们的网站上找到 procedure page.

When the College becomes aware of sexual violence, the College may have an obligation to proceed with an investigation, regardless of a complainant’s wishes for confidentiality, in order to ensure campus safety. 在以下情况下,保密可能受到限制 校园社区面临着持续的威胁. 你不需要参加 if you choose not to; however, this may limit the College’s ability to respond to the incident. 如果您要求不提供您的姓名或其他识别信息 used in an investigation, the College will consider your request in light of the context 它有责任提供安全和非歧视的环境. When confidentiality is not requested; in most cases, information including your name may be shared with the respondent, witnesses, and with College officials who have a legitimate need to know. Beyond that, the College will take steps to protect your identity and the identity of all individuals involved.

投诉人可在任何会议期间由顾问陪同. The advisor may 担任任何支持人员,包括律师. 在学院的过程中,申诉人 and respondent will not be permitted to directly question each other and are not required 在任何时候都能在一起. 投诉人和被告都有 right to identify witnesses and provide other information relevant to the investigation. The College will decide the case based on a preponderance of the information standard (无论该行为是否更有可能发生).

在大多数情况下,学院不会等到刑事案件解决后才 proceeding with the case. 此外,如果学院官员有合理的信念 如果犯罪已经发生,她或他可能有义务向法律报告 如果警察还没有接到通知的话. 在警方调查的情况下 has been conducted or is being conducted, law enforcement may be able to provide some 在受害者同意的情况下向第九条官员提供信息. The College’s fact-finding investigation may be delayed for a short period of time upon a request from law enforcement, 但我们会尽快恢复调查。. Most sexual violence or sexual harassment investigations conducted through the Title IX offices are resolved as quickly as possible but may take up to 60 days to be resolved, depending on the 案件的复杂性和当事人的数量. The College will keep a complainant advised as to the status of the case as the complainant desires and as is reasonable. 投诉结果会以书面通知投诉人.

Because the school’s primary concern is student safety, minor alcohol and drug violations 投诉人的投诉将尽可能以非正式方式处理. The use of alcohol 或者其他毒品不会让一个人成为性暴力的罪魁祸首. The College has an amnesty policy in regards to reporting.

The College will take interim steps to protect a complainant while the case is pending. 视乎个案及投诉人的意愿,这些步骤可包括:

  • class schedule adjustments
  • 命令被调查者不要与你联系
  • 限制被调查者进入部分校园或某些大学活动
  • providing you with an escort to accompany you to and from the classroom to your car
  • any adjustments made will be designed to minimize the burden on the complainant’s educational program. 其中一些行动也可能是导致这些情况的补救措施 在违反政策的调查中.

Washtenaw Community College has a policy which prohibits retaliation against any employee or student who reports an incident of alleged sexual harassment or sexual violence, or any employee or student who testifies, assists or participates in a proceeding, 与这些指控有关的调查或听证.

Any College employee with supervisory authority on campus must refer reports of sexual harassment, sexual violence, or other gender-based harassment to the Office of Human 资源,他们将通知第九条官员.

Community Resource information


  • an instructor suggests that a higher grade might be given to a student if the student submits to sexual advances;
  • a supervisor implicitly or explicitly threatens termination if a subordinate refuses the supervisor's sexual advances;
  • a student repeatedly follows an instructor around campus and sends sexually explicit 发送到教师语音信箱或电子邮件的信息;
  • a student or employee touches you in an unwelcome sexual manner without your consent;
  • a student or employee repeatedly makes unwelcome comments about your body in person, on the phone, or in any other way;
  • 学生或雇员未经你同意就向你暴露性器官 in an unwelcome manner.

有关学院流程的详细说明,请参阅我们的 Sexual Misconduct 网页或联系第九条官员之一.

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